Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Comprehensive Audio MP3 Sermon Message List by Dr. Robert Lindsted

Link to Ray Cummins Website (Lance Cummins Father)

At Rutland Community Chapel with Larry and Joan Ballantyne and Girls (Carly, Nicky, and Jen)

Karsten's Favorite Ride: the Estes Park Colorado Aerial Tramway Rises 2,800 Feet From The Estes Valley To The Top of Prospect Mountain

Having a Blast with Grandpa Meier!

Grace Baptist Youth: My Hair Grew Back, But Can Mrs. Odonnell Ever Forgive You For Mr. Holland's "Opus"???

Link to Grace Baptist Church in Wichita, KS

A Classy Lady: Judy Skating

Horsing Around on the Farm

The Aunties: Frieda, Liz, and Mary Honecker of Luseland, Saskatchewan

Rocky, The Craziest Cat in the World

How Vicious Rumors Get Started and Mr. "If You Don't Stand For Something, You'll Fall For Anything" (See, I learned something from you, Mark!)

Hwa Jeong--Honorary Canadian Citizen (Thanks to Overzealous Border Guards)

Elizabeth Poggemiller

Where's Waldo? 1989-90 PCC Ministerial Class

The Poggemiller Family

(From L to R) (Grandma) Frieda, (Aunt) Sophie, (Uncle) Vern, Dwight, (Uncle) Victor, (Auntie) Esther, Vangie, (Uncle) Helmuth

Dan & Paulette Meier Farm in Luseland, Saskatchewan, Canada

Veggie Tales Adventure!

Sharon On August 29, 2006

A couple of my doctors called yesterday to check on my flu recovery. Since I've been having such a hard time getting over this thing, they agreed that my next chemotherapy treatment should be postponed for a week. That means I go back into hospital on September 7 to begin treatment September 8.

I'm not happy to have a treatment delay, but if I have to be sick and delay treatment, I'm glad I'm home for it. Some patients have delays while they're in hospital. I also have been struggling with some discouragement, related to feeling rotten with the flu for so long and worrying about its impact on my treatment (delay vs. possibility of becoming deathly ill in treatment if I've not fully recovered from this thing before I start the next cycle). Also, the mid-point is hard in any long and draining project -- the mid-point of a marathon, the mid-point of a school-year, etc. However, I think this extra week at home will give me the time I need to get my head back where it needs to be in order to face the next round.

Meanwhile, so many of you have stopped by, bringing various gifts -- food, clothing, baking, things for baby, lovely hand-me-downs for the older kids. Others of you have sent encouraging e-mails, cards or letters. The kindness and caring shown by all of you is such an encouragement to me as I get ready for the next round.