Hello to you all,
Well, these e-mails are becoming a bit repetitive... My treatment has been
delayed yet again because of cold/flu symptoms. My swab done Tuesday, Sept. 5,
came back positive for a virus, sixteen days after I'd been discharged from
hospital. The plan now is to have me come back in for another swab next
Tuesday, Sept. 19. Results take approximately 48 hours.
One of my doctors suggested that I be admitted to hospital on the day I do the
swab. Then if the swab is negative and I'm symptom-free, a bed might be
available for me by the time I need it on Thursday or even Friday. It is one
of my fears that I will end up in the window-less, bathroom-less, none-too-clean
rooms used for out-patient therapy. These rooms are also kind of used for
"overflow" until beds become available. I noticed last time I was in for a swab
that a number of patients are sharing rooms right now. After my experience last
round -- becoming ill while my counts were down -- I'm quite concerned about
exposure to germs. So those of you who are praying for me or thinking about me,
direct your energies towards a bed becoming available for me, preferably in a
private room.
This next round of chemo is quite difficult, with drugs days 1-5 plus two spinal
taps; then more drugs on day 8 and day 10 with "rescue drugs" on days 11-13;
then another spinal on day 15. My counts start dropping about day 10 and take
until about day 25 to recover. This cycle's drugs cause nausea, mouth sores,
hair loss and lots of migraine-like headaches. I feel like I need to have as
many positive things in place as possible to get through this well, another
reason I'm hopeful there'll be a private room / bed for me.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at home with Mike and the two little ones.
Though I've had flu symptoms, other than the first nine days home, I've felt
okay. I've also been home long enough to have a visit with each of the three
older kids in their homes. I am pleased to see how each one is settling in and
how good their caregivers are with them.
I try to enjoy each day as much as possible, even though the need to get on with
these treatments is hanging over my head. I am feeling more ready
psychologically to go back. The worry is that if I'm harbouring any virus, it
will get out-of=hand once my white cell counts drop, becoming life-threatening.
And we just can't seem to stay healthy at this house. Mike was up repeatedly
with Ceilidh last night as she struggled with the stomach flu....
As always, thanks to the many of you who have telephoned or who have sent
encouraging e-mails, cards, or letters. Also, thanks to those of you who've
dropped off food, baking and gifts. Your kindnesses mean a lot to us.
Love, Sharon
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