Please pray for Uncle Victor's health: (Victor is pictured on the left)
"Victor had to go to the hospital after the second day of combining as he had for sometime been developing a breathing problem. The Doc. examined him and said that he needed to be on oxygen. His legs had swollen (fluid) due to the lack of oxygen to the heart. On Friday it will be two weeks since he went in. There has been improvement to the heart and breathing and also the swelling has gone down some but Doc. says he's not quite ready to come home yet and when he does he will need the little trolley with tank and all since the oxygen level remains on the low side. They did treat him for pnuemonia, and his breathing has stabilized. Doc is concerned about mom being able to cope with all the care Victor needs at her age. He asked her to promise that if it gets too much for her to let him know and then they would have to arrange for long term care for Victor. He actually feels much better but of course wants to go home soon."
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